Horror Hill

3: S1E03 – Horror Hill



In this third episode of Horror Hill (http://www.simplyscarypodcast.com/shows/horror-hill/) , we bring you two spine-tingling tales from Kevin David Anderson (http://www.simplyscarypodcast.com/authors/kevin-david-anderson/)  and H.K. Reyes (http://www.simplyscarypodcast.com/authors/h-k-reyes/) , performed by host and narrator Jason Hill (http://www.simplyscarypodcast.com/performers/jason-hill/) , one a mesmerizing tale of mind over matter, the second coming to us across the airwaves from a dark and distant past, a time when the monsters in the night were very, very real. Stories featured in this episode “The Day Hypnotism Died” by Kevin David Anderson – more info about this author (http://www.simplyscarypodcast.com/authors/kevin-david-anderson/) “The Voice on the Radio” by H.K. Reyes – more info about this author (http://www.simplyscarypodcast.com/authors/h-k-reyes/) See full episode details, including the text of the featured stories, here:  http://www.simplyscarypodcast.com/series/horror-hill/s1e03-hh/ Podc