Bootcamp Blueprint: How Personal Trainers Can Grow Their Bootcamp!

Ep 301: How to scale to 6 figures online with a done for you program with Steve Papps



Welcome to Fitness Education Online PodcastIn this episode of Fitness Education Online podcast Jono interviews Steve Papps.Steve is an Entrepreneur and Business Consultant. He helps personal trainers build their online PT biz from scratch and scale it organically to $15k per month within 8 weeks.⁣ with Steve: Podcast episodes are hosted by either Jono Petrohilos, Travis Mattern, Claudia Li or Loren Bakker of  Fitness Education the link below to join our Community Facebook Group (we have over 13 000 Fitness Professionals / Personal Trainers in there and we all share tips and ideas) weeks special Periodisation for Periods: How to train women around their monthly cycleClick here to learn more Thanks to our sponsors MEALZEE. Meal planning made easy. Choose from ready-made meal plans or customise your own in a few simple clicks