Develpreneur: Become A Better Developer And Entrepreneur

Defining Product Features - Interview With Bryan Clayton



This episode starts a new discussion with Bryan Clayton of Your Green Pal about how he built a business and defining product features for his application. Bryan has a highly educational story about starting a new business. It continues with his approach to push that business to success. He has taken a thorough approach to building his organization and the related community that forms the foundation for Your Green Pal. A Methodical Approach To Defining Product Features There are a lot of stories out there about success and building software. However, I don't think anyone can argue with the way Bryan went about defining product features. He extended that thorough research to set up processes and procedures that addressed challenges throughout the company's growth. We start with how he launched the company and then delve into how he grew it. About Bryan Bryan Clayton is an entrepreneur, author, and speaker. He has built a successful career through hard work, perseverance, and innovation. He is the