Visual Revolutionary

Episode #232: Anand Varma / Photographer / National Geographic Explorer



National Geographic Explorer and award winning photographer and videographer Anand Varma joins the podcast to talk about his new book "Invisible Wonders: Photographs of the Hidden World", as well as his amazing new storytelling studio "Wonder Lab".  During our conversation Anand tells me about his life long dream of one day becoming a scientist that led him to Berkeley to earn a degree in integrative biology and a chance meeting with fellow National Geographic photographer David Littschwager that would alter the course of his life and open up a new form of scientific exploration that Anand had never dreamed was possible.  Anand's beautiful integration of science and art can make even the ugliest subject matter worthy of a gallery show and we discuss the evolution of the aesthetic he is known for today, what is was like working on his book, how photographing parasites kickstarted his career, why he decided to delete all his social media accounts, and the advice he gives to other creatives out there trying to b