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Corrupted Scripture and Altered Chronology: Why We Need a Biblical Reboot



In Doug Woodward's book, Rebooting the Bible: Exposing the Second Century Conspiracy to Corrupt the Scripture and Alter Biblical Chronology. The book reveals the hidden history of a Second Century A.D. rabbinic conspiracy altering the words of the Old Testament to stop the massive conversion of Jews to the Christian faith. These early alterations (ca.A.D. 90-120) sought to obscure the Bible's Messianic prophecies, concealing passages most often used by Christian evangelists proclaiming that Jesus was the Jewish Messiah. The former Pharisees (cum Rabbis) reduced biblical chronology by 1,600 years, compressing the crucial events of Genesis (e.g., the Flood, the invasion of the Nephilim, and the Tower of Babel). This truncated chronology damaged the Bibless witness regarding ancient history which continues to have a vast impact on Evangelicals today. Join me as we take a look at such questions as: Is the KJV bible flawed? What's the difference between flawed and inerrant? What are the fundamentals between