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Use Metrics For Productivity



What gets measured gets managed is a way to look at how we need to use metrics for productivity gains to become a reality. We can go by our feelings or other squishy methods. However, those are easily led astray. We need a stable way to measure how we are doing when compared to how we were doing last week or last year. That is where metrics and measuring become invaluable. Find Your Metrics For Productivity Measuring However, this is one of those areas where it is easier said than done. Metrics make sense and can easily be argued. What those metrics are can often be elusive. It is a challenge to provide a black-and-white way to discuss our productivity. Time is an excellent measure of productivity. On the other hand, that can be a deceiving measure. We need to take into account busy versus productive when using time as a measure. Goals And Milestones The most reliable way to gather metrics for productivity measuring is to look at time spent and elapsed along with goals and milestones. These give