Majority 54

A M54 Focus Group



Jason and Ravi convene a unique focus group of M54 listeners. First, we check back in with Megan about how her Thanksgiving dinner went, then we'll hear from her mom, Liz. One of those coveted swing voters in the midwest, Liz shares her perspective on politics and tactics for approaching her Trump-supporting husband. Then we hear from Ethan, an entrepreneur based out of Philly who has been a reliable Democratic voter, but the lack of covid relief has him considering no longer voting at all.  Join over 1 million people who have taken charge of their mental health. Visit Listen to White Picket Fence.  Jason is back with a new season and a new co-host, Ravi Gupta. Each week, they'll tackle our most pressing issues, giving you the tools necessary to successfully have conversations across the aisle. Majority54 is a Wonder Media Network production. It's produced by Grace Lynch and Edie Allard. Theme music provided by Kemet Coleman. Special thanks to Diana Kander. Majority 54 on Twitter Jason on T