Welcome To Night Vale

203 - The Kareem Nazari Show



You're listening to WMCG 1080am in Ann Arbor, Michigan. “My Love” by Scarlet Sails https://scarletsails.bandcamp.com/ The voice of Kareem is Adal Rifai. The voice of Doug is John Patrick Coan. The voice of Gina is Erin Keif. (Listen to Adal, JPC, & Erin’s podcast Hey Riddle Riddle https://www.heyriddleriddle.com/) Transcript available at http://welcometonightvale.com/transcripts WEATHER SUBMISSIONS ARE OPEN: https://www.welcometonightvale.com/betheweather 2022 US / CANADA / EUROPE TOUR DATES for “The Haunting of Night Vale” http://welcometonightvale.com/live Hot Night Vale merch! https://topatoco.com/wtnv Patreon is how we exist! If you can, please help us keep making this show: http://patreon.com/welcometonightvale/ Music: Disparition http://disparition.bandcamp.com Logo: Rob Wilson http://robwilsonwork.com Written by Joseph Fink & Jeffrey Cranor. Narrated by Cecil Baldwin. http://welcometonightvale.com Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. Check out our books, live shows, sto