Good Morning Night Vale

Good Morning Wheat & Wheat By-Products



Meg, Symphony and Hal discuss episode 11 of Welcome to Night Vale: Wheat & Wheat By-Products. They theorize the possibility that this episode is a staggering allegory about celiac disease. They chat about the shelf life of satire, whether they want to be drowned or want to drown anyone, and tell fun stories about how theaters are death traps. In the FanZone™ we hear from listeners about Cecil’s fan fiction, treating throat spiders with medical marijuana and a story about being saved from a mosh pit by the glow cloud, ALL HAIL! Send us your thoughts, comments, and questions! Leave us a voicemail at 929-277-2050 or e-mail us at Follow us on Twitter and Facebook. Good Morning Night Vale is a production of Night Vale Presents Hosted by Symphony Sanders, Hal Lublin, and Meg Bashwiner Produced by Meg Bashwiner Edited by Grant Stewart Mixed by Vincent Cacchione Theme Music by Disparition Logo by Rob Wilson