Conversations That Matter

Ep 472 - The Importance of Workplace Accessibility Guest: Joel Dembe



Ep 472 - The Importance of Workplace Accessibility Guest: Joel Dembe By Stuart McNish   “Accessibility” is a word that you hear more of, and for good reason. Canadian Paralympian Joel Dembe says, “Being accessible is essential when creating a strong and inclusive workplace and society. And it's good business. It’s good business in so many ways – namely it’s good for the bottom line.”     According to Jason Keck, the CEO and Co-Founder of Broker Buddha, “Diverse and inclusive companies are 35% more likely to surpass their competitors.” Joel Dembe adds, “Companies with diverse workplaces are six times more likely to be innovative and anticipate choppy headwaters and then adapt to meet new opportunities.”   According to the Web Accessibility Platform, AudioEye, “more than 1.3 billion people, that’s one in six people who live with some type of a disability.” Joel Dembe points out, “ I often tell business leaders we have to see disability as an economic opportunity.”   We invited tennis and accessibility champion