
Did you know that every good story is a rescue story and right now we are celebrating rescue stories for you and for me ... Because we all need to be rescued now!



I can guarantee you that most people don't really understand all that goes into Christmas and even many of those who celebrate the festival of lights, Hanukkah don't really know the story behind the celebration and the Menorah candleholder ... Let's start with Christmas and the story is that we were all lost in walking in darkness and didn't know what to do and we're being held captive, indeed we are hostages... And it doesn't seem that we will ever be rescued. And isn't it ironically appropriate that right now the story of seeking to rescue hostages is a part of the daily news...  And instead of celebrating the good news of peace on earth goodwill to men and women we know that that is a hope in a dream because it certainly isn't a reality.  Yes indeed if we're going to have peace on earth and goodwill we need someone to come and rescue us, to save us, to turn the lights back on.  .. We need a lamp lighter. Well let me tell you the stories and if you'll give me 18 minutes perhaps I can help you get a bigger a