Pursue Your Spark

#201 Take Control in a Broken Healthcare System/ft. Susan Salenger



In this podcast episode, we welcome Susan Salenger, the inspiring author of "SIDELINED: How Women Can Navigate A Broken Healthcare System." At 80 years old, standing at 4'10", Susan is an accomplished author and an avid powerlifter, a testament to her belief in personal strength and resilience. She shares her journey from working in Salenger Films, a company specializing in corporate training films, to becoming a voice for women struggling within a healthcare system that often fails them. Susan's transition into authorship was spurred by a pivotal experience - a surgery she underwent that was later revealed as unnecessary. This incident led her to explore women's paradoxical relationship with their healthcare: they are often proactive yet find themselves sidelined by the system. Her book dives into the internal conflicts and societal pressures that lead women to mismanage their health, prioritizing others' needs over their own. "SIDELINED" is based on extensive research and interviews with diverse women