Develpreneur: Become A Better Developer And Entrepreneur

Be Intentional In Choosing Tasks For Career Growth



We fill much of our free time with projects and side hustles that can be tasks for career growth. However, they require us to be intentional. We should have a career roadmap to guide us through the skills and experiences we see as important to us. The fun tasks will often be on our list of things to do. Nevertheless, there are tasks we need to see as stepping stones to success that should be in the back of our minds when choosing that next project. The Best Tasks For Career Growth In the world of marketing and excitement, people often throw around the "10X your blah" phrase. While advancement may not be that fast, there are activities we can pursue that contribute more to our career growth than others. The tasks gain us experience and credibility, knowledge, and do so in more than one area. The world of software development is full of these. It is rare for us to have a situation where we are learning a new technology and not also solving a problem. While the problem may be similar to one we have so