Way Of The Heart




Jake & Brett have worked together with organizations to help solve some of their issues & grow in some places that needed improvement. In this episode, they share these leadership & relational skills with us! Whether you are a leader at your job, your Church or in your home, this episode has tools to help you lead well. Jake & Brett will challenge you & give you the tips & shifts in mindset that you need to be successful in all that God has called you to.   Key Points Sharing key issues that most organizations have in common. Communication tends to be an issue, both from the leaders down & from the employees up the chain. Keeping in mind the gap between what is and what should be. Leaders need to have their ears to the ground so they can hear about small problems before they snowball into larger ones. How common leadership tips work in the home. The importance of building a culture and bringing people in that fit the culture. Defensiveness slows our growth. How thes