Lactation Business Coaching With Annie And Leah

Ep 47 | Achieving Your Business Related Goals



This episode is the second installment of our Business-Related Goals podcast exploration. In Episode 45: Setting Business-Related Goals, we unpacked the ways in which we can use the SMART goal setting strategy to create the light at the end of the tunnel. In this episode, we discuss the ways in which we build the tunnel to get to that light. Learn how Annie and Leah have used systematic thinking to break big goals into smaller, more palatable tasks and how this strategy has helped them feel more successful, less overwhelmed, and has ultimately led to greater achievements in their private practices and beyond.This episode will help you learn how small, manageable tasks will help propel you forward and boost your confidence by evoking progress. You will also learn the different platforms out there that can help keep you moving along with your eyes on the prize. This systematic thinking has roots in Backward Design, an instructional design method educators use. It involves the creation of an instructional goal a