Lactation Business Coaching With Annie And Leah

Ep 54 | Supporting self care and boundaries in your practice



Life is stressful enough. As you may know, life as a business owner is even more stressful.While many people think of self-care as spa days or long yoga classes, effective self-care doesn’t have to take up an entire afternoon or cost you any money. There are many small things that you can fit into your schedule each day to maintain a healthy balance and keep you calm and centered.This episode is all about reducing (and preventing) stress through easy-to-implement self-care hacks. We share our top tips and habits for stress reduction and prevention — we talk about how to set and maintain effective boundaries, the importance of honoring your energy levels, how to tap into what your mind and body truly need, and the vital role of your community in self-care.As a bonus, you’ll get a sneak preview of the topic of our upcoming Deeper Dive — see the link below to learn how to register.“I know that my mood and my energy and my sleep and everything is improved when I’m exercising.” In this episode, we will cover: Our