Lactation Business Coaching With Annie And Leah

Rebroadcast | Intentional Time Off with Brandie Mitchell RN, NC-BC



Brandie Mitchell, RN, NC-BC was a recent speaker for our USLCA workshop, which was such a success, so we're excited to rebroadcast this episode with her.Do you find time to rest, like truly rest?Because we hate to break it to you but having reality TV on in the background while writing emails doesn’t count as real rest!In this episode, we are talking to Brandie Mitchell, RN, NC-BC about actually taking intentional time off from your business by looking at the cycles in our lives.Brandie is a Board Certified Nurse Coach specializing in holistic, personalized health coaching for women ready to reclaim their health from autoimmune disease, anxiety, depression, pain, insomnia, and fatigue. She also supports women during pregnancy and postpartum for a healthy and empowered transition into motherhood. Brandie empowers women and families to take ownership of their health, overcome anxiety and overwhelm, and move from where you are to where you want to be in your body, health, and life.“There are principles that can