Lactation Business Coaching With Annie And Leah

70 | Are online courses for business and marketing worth it?



Have you ever gotten swept up in the marketing tactics of online courses and purchased one only to realize that it won’t actually work for your business?We are both guilty of falling prey to the “you have to buy this course in order to grow your business” marketing tactics and it doesn’t feel good. The thing is that most of these online courses aren’t right for lactation consultants or the way we run our private practices. Our clients are already vulnerable and we definitely don’t want to use high-pressure strategies on them during this time.In this episode, we are sharing how to know when an online course is right for you and why marketing strategies don’t work for our business. “The thing is these courses are not necessarily a good fit for what we're doing in private practice.” In this episode, we will cover: Why most marketing courses don’t work for lactation consultants (4:10) Using marketing in the healthcare field (9:59) What online courses were helpful for our business (12:15) How different courses app