Lactation Business Coaching With Annie And Leah

76 | Letting go of the outcome



Have you ever felt guilty or like a bad lactation consultant when your patients don’t get the outcome you desired?We have been there and it’s a horrible feeling.In this episode, we discussed how to manage our own expectations when we can't control the outcome and how to provide validation to parents that they have done everything they can. Lastly, we discussed the power of messaging and how it can help to bring in the right clients and help to communicate our commitment to the journey and not just the outcome.“Our clients are the ones who are gonna determine the path that we're taking, not us.”In this episode, we will cover: How to let go of the outcome when providing guidance to clients (3:26) Reasons the outcome didn’t happen as you wanted it to (6:03) Parenting as a metaphor for letting go of the outcome (10:45) The power of messaging in attracting the right clients (15:06) Like this episode? Want more?The LBC podcast is ALWAYS free, thanks to contributions from supporters. Every contributed dollar counts