
What are you REALLY buying?



Every time you make a purchase, whether it's a tangible product or a service, you're casting a vote with your dollars for the type of company you want to support and the choices they make. So, what are you REALLY buying? Join host Kimberly Rhodes as she sits down with Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson to explore the concept of "buying the company" as they dive into the diverse considerations that shape our purchasing choices. From supporting forward-thinking initiatives to valuing customer service and longevity, Jason and David illuminate what customers are truly investing in when opting for a smaller, bootstrap business like 37signals. Plus, a look at the ever-evolving nature of consumer preferences.Tune in for a thought-provoking exploration of the layers beneath purchasing decisions and valuable insights into crafting a brand that authentically mirrors your company's values. Check out the full video episode on YouTubeKey Takeaways: How you’re voting with your dollars when ma