Make Mine Multiversity

Make Mine Multiversity Episode 127: Howard. The Duck. No Way to Commentate Him.



Long awaited, ever since Jaina lost our 2022 predicitions episode, it's finally time to watch Howard the Duck! Yes, the 1986 film starring Lea Thompkins, Tim Robbins, and some other people we'd rather not name. Written by Willard Huyck and Gloria Katz, directed by Huyck and produced by George "it's like poetry, it rhymes" Lucas, it's truly something that has to be seen to be believed. Not even our well documented love of the duck's comics can save us now.To that end, this episode is a commentary track! Cue up the film, listen to our intro, wait for the countdown, and enjoy. We had a lot of fun making this and, honestly? Made watching this deeply uncomfortable, absolute mess of a film bearable. You can also listen to it without the film but it's a lot more awkward, which, you know, is the vibe this movie elicits.Shout off in the comment section below and get the conversation started or share them on the burning hell site formerly known as Twitter using the hashtag #MakeMineMultiversity. Maybe skeet it on BlueS