Feng Shui | Holistic Spaces Podcast With Anjie Cho

Episode 250: Feng Shui Room x Room: the Front Door



Often called the “mouth of qi”, the front door is one of the most important areas of your home when it comes to feng shui. It represents your face to the world and people’s first impressions of you. A strong front door can open your home and life up to opportunity and positive energy. For part two in our Room x Room series, we are taking a look at the many ways the front door can influence the balance and harmony of our homes.We cover: -The importance of the doorway being visible and not overgrown with shrubbery or blocked by trees-Why the front door should always be working properly and that it can open fully-The specific energies associated with the different colors that you might paint your door-The value in keeping a clear pathway to and from the front doorand much more.If you want to dive deeper, be sure to sign up for our mailing list so that you can take our upcoming free workshops and giveaways!Thanks so much for listening to the Holistic Spaces Podcast brought to you by Mindful Design Feng