Comic Lab

The New Patreon: The Good, The Bad, and That Logo



Patreon has unveiled a massive update to its service, and we'll discuss the good, the bad, and the ugly.ON THIS WEEK'S SHOW...The GoodThe user experience has some significant improvementsCollectionseStore — Buy digital goods.Find Creators You Love — a somewhat improved attempt at discoverabilityMember Posts section is being sunsettedThe BadAnemic analytics. Graphtreon still beats Patreon's own data.Patreon's pivot to social media. I have lots of places to talk to my fans. Social media is where I go to make NEW fans. That means Discoverability. Where's that??Patreon Chat. It's a straight 50-50 split. Half of my patrons can't see/access the chat, and the other half don't care.Making a new post: BAD interface. Separates different parts of the process to different screens. It makes it super awkward to select tiers.The UglyThat logo is laughable. Whoever designed it belongs in the Witless Protection Program.You get great rewards when you join the ComicLab Community on Patreon$2 — Early access to episodes$5 — Submi