The Thought Leader Revolution Podcast | 10x Your Impact, Your Income & Your Influence

EP520: Sam Rosenberg - How To Protect Yourself In A Dangerous World



“My primary focus in life and my real mission has always been to empower others and to be able to teach them how to protect themselves, their families, their organizations.”Sam Rosenberg is the founder of Live Ready and author of the upcoming book "Live Ready". He shares his journey from a Marine officer to a renowned figure in personal security. With over two decades of experience, he emphasizes the importance of empowering individuals with practical skills to protect themselves, challenging the myth of helplessness and randomness in the face of violence.Sam sheds light on his Live Ready philosophy, focusing on the timeline of violence and the critical role of intuition. He emphasizes the significance of trusting one's instincts, enhancing intuition through training, and understanding that, even in the most challenging situations, individuals are never helpless as long as they can think and make decisions under pressure. Sam's expert advice provides valuable insights into personal security, making this episo