Her Stem Story

Episode 17: The Musical STEM Story



Links: https://www.facebook.com/sydney.danielle.351 https://twitter.com/s_flozia Sydney's TEDx Talk: https://youtu.be/RwF_hv5qfYE   Sydney's current research endeavors    https://biointerface.ece.ncsu.edu/sensus.html   Today we are talking to Sydney Floryanzia, a Chemical Engineering freshman at NC State University. Her journey is peculiar, as it did not begin with math or science, but with Sydney’s love for music. In sixth grade, Sydney was finding a way to solve one of the National Academy of Engineering’s fourteen Grand Challenges of the 21st century; Reverse Engineering the Brain. Sydney’s story has been featured in a magazine, in the news, a TEDx talk, and in a Super Bowl commercial. She continues to inspire young people to seek the intersections between seemingly unrelated subjects and to combine their passions to create beautiful new ideas. Listen to Sydney's Musical STEM Story.