Nourish Noshes

Why Muscles Matters



Get ready to revamp your health and fitness routine as we sit down with Dr. Dana Fallon. He is a N.A.S.M. Certified Personal Trainer and N.A.S.M. Wellness Coach. He also has an impressive repertoire in dentistry, sports medicine, nutrition, and coaching; Fallon shares invaluable insights into the role of muscle and movement in our overall health and well-being. We unravel the repercussions of our modern sedentary lifestyle and highlight the potential of integrating activities like rucking into our fitness regimen. We wrap up with a discussion on the myriad benefits of exercise for brain health and the importance of prioritizing muscle care. Let the foresight of Coach Dana Fallon motivate you to take charge of your health and fitness goals today! Watch on YouTube:     ***We are collecting names for people interested in a fall group coaching. If you are interested – and you can be from anywhere in the world – we encourage you to let us know here: ***