Empty Checking With Derek Brink

Ramblings on Loss and Art



I've decided this isn't an official "episode" in the chronology...but I needed to say some stuff, and I had a platform, so here we are. This one's very different. I talk a lot about an old college friend who passed away this week and also about why a celebrity death can hit us hard, why art matters, and so on. (And yes, I briefly pay tribute to Matthew Perry, Richard Moll, and Suzanne Somers, too.) It gets a little raw in places. But I listened back to it and thought maybe it'd be worth hearing for some people. If you skip this one, I get it. But it might help somebody to at least know we're all asking the same questions. There's not going to be much there this week, but you can check out the blog at http://emptychecking.blogspot.com or email me at db@derekbrink.com. I promise that the next one will (probably) be more fun. Thanks for letting me get serious sometimes. -Uncle Derek