Rev. Michael Holmen's Sermons

231022 Sermon on Matthew 22:15-22 (Pentecost 21) October 22, 2023



 Audio recordingSermon manuscript:For better understanding what is going on in our Gospel reading, it is helpful to know the context. Our reading today is during Holy Week. Jesus entered Jerusalem a couple days before on Palm Sunday. The people hailed him as king. He then went to the Temple, clearing out the money changers, flipping over tables and such. All of this made the leaders in Jerusalem very upset. They had always believed that Jesus was no good. So in the readings for the past few weeks we’ve been hearing about the interaction between Jesus and these leaders in Jerusalem. Our reading this morning is another of those interactions, but in today’s reading the Jewish leaders are trying to trap Jesus in what he might say.  So they come to him with something of a trick question: “Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar or not?” To understand why this is a trick question, we need to know something about the political situation at that time. The Jewish people had not been able to govern themselves