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Raising Boys Part 2, with Nate Head



Picking up from last week, Scott and Nate continue into specifics on how we as dads build into the relationships with our kids, and how to be an example of what being a godly man looks like. We’ll talk about listening well and how we can ask good questions. We’ll also talk about how to start the discipline of praying for and encouraging our children regularly.   Discussion Guide:  Who’s one of your favorite TV dads? Why are they one of your favorites?  In your opinion, what are 2-3 of the most important attributes of a father or father-like figure? Why did you select these?  Read Matthew 11:28-30. This passage is the only place in Scripture where Jesus explicitly says what His heart is like — gentle and lowly. What does it mean to be approachable? What does it mean to be understanding? Why is this important for the way we interact and engage with kids? Read Isaiah 64:8, Matthew 6:9, and 1 John 3:1. God is referred to as Father over 10 times in the Old Testament and over 150 times in the New Testament.