Locker Room

Raising Boys, with Nate Head



The most important mark that we leave on this world is the mark we leave on our kids. Raising children is important and it’s a big part of our role as men as we lead our homes. In this episode of Locker Room, Scott starts a conversation with Nate Head, who along with his wife Stefany is raising two young men. Even if you don’t have sons, you are a man, and today’s episode might help you think about how you were raised. If you are raising girls, a lot of this conversation can be transferable for us as dads, as long as we contextualize our situation.   Discussion Guide:  Share one of your favorite dad jokes.  What’s one of your fondest memories from your childhood? Why did you choose this specific memory?  The phrase “Boys will be boys…” is periodically quoted throughout our lives. What comes to mind when you hear or see this? What are certain attributes or qualities about boys that make them uniquely different from girls?  The books of 1 Samuel and 2 Samuel as well as some of the Psalms highlight diff