Fit 2 Love: Physical, Emotional And Spiritual Fitness For The Happy Life You Deserve

Ep. 684: Making Peace with Fear and Resistance



Register for the free training on Oct 24th called What Blocks Your Brilliance JJ Flizanes is a dynamic wellness coach, empowerment strategist, and podcast host on a mission to help individuals transform their lives through holistic health and personal development. With a passion for empowering people to reach their highest potential, JJ has become a leading voice in the world of wellness and self-improvement. As a certified fitness trainer and nutrition expert, JJ Flizanes has spent over two decades guiding individuals towards optimal health and well-being. She believes that true wellness encompasses not only physical health but also emotional, mental, and spiritual balance. Her holistic approach to health and fitness has helped countless clients achieve lasting transformation. In addition to her work as a fitness and nutrition expert, JJ is the host of the popular podcast "Spirit Purpose & Energy," where she shares valuable insights, interviews top experts, and of