Night White Skies

103 _ Aleksandra Jaeschke _ ‘Greening Codes’



Today’s conversation is with Aleksandra Jaeschke about her book ‘The Greening of America’s Building Codes, Promises and Paradoxes’.  There are realities we live with that are so ingrained in all aspects of our lives that we rarely think to question their origins. They are either intertwined with base economic standards or current laws and regulations and so to imagine an alternative would require not simple tweaks and updates but a fundamental restructuring of the whole system, and that’s just not something many have time or even the inclination to pursue.  I often think of that Fredric Jameson or Slavoj Zizek quote that ‘It’s easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of Capitalism.’ Capitalism and climate change are so intertwined that it should come as no surprise that our relationship to nature and the environment has been shaped by an economic model of growth beyond all else. More specifically, the ways in which many in America (and I say America because this is where today's topic will