
Would Hamas have killed Jesus if he were around in Israel today?



  Well obviously I don't know, but just as obviously as a young Jewish man rabbi teacher he would certainly fit the profile of what they were all about.  But I have something different to talk about it just might be good to know and think about in these terrible and tragic times. First of all if you were a follower of the man and you were in the world day what do you think he would do and what would you do.  He got very angry at the people who were cheating the poor people out of a few pence for the price of pigeons. So obviously when he sees hate and injustice and terrible things happening I don't know if he would just be an observer,  And we will talk about that so you can think about that and then what is going on why would the Hamas people put their own family and friends and what is going to be a humanitarian nightmare and catastrophe not only for a few Israelis ... But for many of their family and friends. Then ironically in the midst of a mess I became aware of how very blessed I am with many many sma