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Adoption's Awesome, with Eric Schneider



Adoption is the highest privilege that the gospel offers.‘Father’ is the Christian name for God., and our understanding of Christianity cannot be better than our grasp of adoption. All of us have been adopted into God’s family when we follow Jesus. Eric is back this week with Scott to talk about how adoption has become a part of each of their own family’s story. _______ If you had to choose between listening to a story or reading a story, which would you choose? Why?  What’s a pivotal choice you’ve made that you’ve never regretted? What led you to make this decision?  Eric and Scott mentioned that adoption is a key theme throughout the pages of Scripture (see Exodus 2, 1 Samuel 1, the Gospels). In your own words, how would you describe what it means to be chosen? How has adoption directly or indirectly impacted you?   Read Luke 4:28-29, John 6:63-67, and Luke 23:13-25. Arguably, the opposite of being chosen is being rejected. These verses highlight how Jesus experienced rejection. When have you deal