Develpreneur: Become A Better Developer And Entrepreneur

Take Your First Step - Start Today For Success



This episode is a look back at some of the best advice for being successful, and we focus on taking your first step. The best plans are still just plans until you execute them. Therefore, every project and goal must move from the planning to the implementation phase. Yes, thinking about your steps can be a step in itself. However, one must ensure that an action is progressing towards the goal, not simply marching in place. Determine Your First Step When you are unsure of how to proceed and struggle with writer's block, work on an outline. Examine the problem and the solution or the starting point and the goal. The next step is to break down the "from A to B" into milestones or progress that will need to be made. This may include organizing thoughts, designing a solution, building a foundation, bringing in helpers, or other tasks you know need to be done. These low-hanging fruit tasks can give you things to do when you are struggling for specifics to make progress. The Title Page There is a joke about writers