Hosts Of Eden

Stay tuned for season 2



This audio is from a previous aired Facebook live interview with Jay Mcfarland. He answers questions about his science fiction podcast Hosts of Eden. Jay is currently working on the second season of Hosts of Eden to stay tuned! (FICTION) Welcome to Hosts of Eden, a fictional sci-fi podcast, written and performed by storyteller Jay Mcfarland. Set in a dystopian not-too-distant future, in episode 1, we meet Dr. Marian Turner, a psychiatrist who has been studying Multiple Personality Disorder for years. Her life is mostly ordinary until one of the patients at the mental health facility where she works starts to display some very unusual behavior. Are the personalities inside of his head, or are they real people trapped in his body? Science fiction, fantasy, and mystery collide in this 11-part serial story. Modern Radio Drama. "Hosts of Eden" is a fictional podcast, written and performed by Jay Mcfarland. Mcfarland is host of "The JayMac News Show", which airs weekdays at 12: