EA Unlocked

Theo Vadot '19 & Hilary Hutchison - Pursuing Art After EA



After graduating from The Episcopal Academy in 2019, Theo Vadot continued his passion for the arts at Rice University where he studied architecture. He recently stopped by campus for an artist reception for his exhibit, Open -, Cumulative Works, 2019-2022, in the Crawford Campus Center Gallery. The show features Theo's pieces from architecture school, along with sculptures he designed while at EA. Theo and his art teacher Hilary Hutchison sat down with EA Unlocked host, Dr. T.J. Locke, to talk about the exhibit, Theo's trajectory in the arts, and how his EA art classes prepared him for a rigorous architecture curriculum. He is currently interning with Pei Cobb Freed & Partners in New York City. Episode Guests: Theo Vadot '19 Hilary Hutchison/EA Upper School Art Teacher Honors 2-D & 3-D Design students