So Very Wrong About Games

#278: Ending Games Early



Walker and Huey voted to end the game early, but there were then procedural questions as to whether that warranted a runoff in the French Presidential style. Chip III repeated his preference for a ranked-choice voting system, but he couldn't decide whether his second choice was a single transferable vote or first past the post. Meanwhile, Mark gerrymandered the rest of the table into one sprawling district, and made three new districts intersect at his spine so he got three votes to everyone else's collective one. He moved, seconded, and veto-proofed a motion to the effect that everyone else should stop talking.00:59 AYURIS: Cryo (Tom Jolly & Luke Laurie, Z-Man Games, 2021)Games Played Last Week:03:23 -The Witcher: Old World (Łukasz Woźniak, Go On Board, 2023)11:55 -My Father's Work (T.C. Petty III, Renegade Game Studios, 2022)15:09 -City of the Great Machine (German Tikhomirov, CrowD Games, 2023)20:47 -Gang of Dice (Reiner Knizia, Mandoo Games, 2022)23:10 -Tinderblox (Rob Sparks, Alley Cat Ga