Pjc Media

Let's Talk With Jenny White/ Women Behind Bars!



Did you ever think that your mother, your wife, or sister or daughter, would ever end in a jail. Jails weren't built for women. Advocates says that's a big problem. In 2009, James, then a mother of a 5-month old child was sentenced to 24 months in Danbury Federal prison for illegally misusing funds.There she bonded with other mothers separated and unable to see their children. She said most of her peers were serving long sentences for non-violent offensives, separated from their families and unable to get access to adequate mental health treatment and basic services like menstrual care products. So, James and a number of her fellow inmates decided they would draw attention to the conditions and fight to change them. Kamala Harris and others introduced the Dignity for Incarcerated Women Act which ais to make it easier for women to stay in touch with their children while incarcerated in federal prison by allowing longer visiting hours.