Conversations That Matter

Ep 464 - Addressing Renewable Energy’s Weak Link Guest: Matt Harper



Ep 464 - Addressing Renewable Energy’s Weak Link Guest: Matt Harper By Stuart McNish   Will vanadium redox flow batteries address an issue that has been the Achilles’ heel of renewable energy production – how to store the power generated by wind and solar power generation? The sector has challenges, such as the inability of renewable energy sources to produce consistent on-demand power needed to supply an ever-fluctuating need.    Matt Harper of Vancouver-based Invinity Energy Systems, a leader in battery storage systems says, “Yes. And in doing so, we will be filling a significant need in jurisdictions where there is a huge increase in the amount of renewable power being generated – power that needs a home until it is required for use: places like California, Australia and Alberta.”   We invited Matt Harper to join us for a Conversation That Matters about harnessing, storing, discharging and recharging renewable energy to meet the electricity needs of the future.   Learn More about our guests career at caree