Motormouth Mark

making ideas happen



Still just loving the book. He talked a lot about this insecurity work he calls it. That's why you're checking your emails all the time for. If you have a blog let them see how many people have read it and doing just these little busy works that don't move you forward with your action items at all. So I'm gonna be more conscious about it. I definitely do it with my email sometimes as I said earlier and let it drag(?) my day. When you talked about how creative, there's there's a few different kind and there's just the total drainer that's kind of a scatter brain and gets really hyped up on an idea and then get another idea and let's the last one fall and then he talked about increment works, which that's more of what I am and we are mixed between you know vision but also action and it can be a scenario that works. But you know like everything it's has it's strengths and it's weaknesses.