The Art Of Process With Aimee Mann And Ted Leo

Ep. 9 - Eli Attie "A Constituency of One"



Ep. 9 - Eli Attie "A Constituency of One"   This episode, we're talking to Eli Attie - speechwriter for NYC Mayor David Dinkins, Missouri Congressman Dick Gephardt, and Vice President Al Gore; AS WELL AS a writer for the West Wing, House, Rosewood, For the People, and others!  He gives us some great insight into what makes for good and bad political speechwriting, and how it dovetails and differs with dramatic writing. The overarching theme of the episode is the "constituency of one" - who is your actual audience, who are you trying to please… Something we've all become a lot more familiar with in the political realm these past two years. A couple of other things that get mentioned that I just want to address really quickly: 1. My Medicare plan would not suck. 2. It's not that hard for ME to see Aimee converting to Catholicism. 3. It's true - Air Force 2 IS, in fact, a tiny fraction of the size of Air Force 1, AND, apparently, there's no booze served on it! I also really wanted to include some examples of the