Danny And Jarryd Podcast - Bondi Radio

Episode 6 - The First Official Off Air Podcast



(Recorded Sunday 29/06/2014) Danny was so sick last Wednesday the boys had to cancel the show! So as not to fall behind on episodes, we've recorded a special Off-Air podcast! It's mellow, it's laid back and it's still as funny and entertaining as you'd like it to be. Also to spice things up, the boys are joined by a very special guest, they talk about him all the time on the show, the one and only Daniel Leuzzi. On the Show: Sick Danny, Dan's haunted house, other hauntings, the podcast recording gets interrupted by a phone call, A New segment (and possible ongoing segment on the show) - Leuzzi's Facts and job interviews It's 46 minutes of absolute mayhem (well it's actually pretty laid back, but just listen to the damn thing)