Danny And Jarryd Podcast - Bondi Radio

Danny and Jarryd Podcast EP 10 - 10th Show Special!



(Recorded 23rd July 2014) OUR 10TH SHOW!!!! IS FINALLY HERE!!! WE DID IT!!! What a fantastical show this was! First up we had a whole bunch of celebrities on the show to congratulate us on this huge milestone. As well as comedian, beatboxer and rapper Jarred Jekyll joined us to be our first in studio guest! He gave us a quick lesson on beatboxing and layed down a "Danny and Jarryd 10th Episode" theme song!! (Included in the podcast!) Also featuring a guy that ACTUALLY WORKS IN RADIO!! Mr Sean Michaels! (This whole interview was recorded with Danny off mic! YAY PROFESSIONALISM. Let's not let that happen again). He dropped in to give us some tips on how to make it in the commercial radio business, also what we need to look out for! Educating Jarryd this week on Mr Valentine (aka Danny from Danny and Jarryd) *Not included in the podcast - Danny did a remix of the first 9 shows to help celebrate the 10th show. The remix can be heard at soundcloud.com/dannyandjarryd ENJOY AND KEEP LISTENING!!!!