So Very Wrong About Games

#274: Cruel Betrayal of Expectations



David Hume argued that all ideas are either simple or complex, and that in turn all complex ideas are merely composed of simple ideas. He wasn't a huge fan of some of those complex ideas; he used the example of a chimera, where you take a lion, a snake, and a goat (three simple ideas, but we can quibble with that later if you like) and smush them all together to get a complex idea. Hume was sceptical about complex ideas, to say the least.We can agree or disagree with Hume on many fronts, and indeed this is a podcast fundamentally aligned with German Idealism; but we would happily ally ourselves with the Humeans to declare with one unified voice that "phygital" is an abomination that must be purged.01:37 AYURIS: Ultimate Railroads (Helmut Ohley & Leonhard "Lenny" Orgler, Hans im Glück, 2021)Games Played Last Week:04:43 -Witchstone: Full Moon (Martino Chiacchiera & Reiner Knizia, R&R Games, 2023)11:57 -Lacuna (Mark Gerrits, CMYK, 2023)16:20 -Dice Miner (Joshua DeBonis & Nikol