Fowl Players Radio

S10 E20 Brian St. August- Actor, Musician- Lee Doll Films, Neat Face Records



NOW AVAILABLE ON FOWL PLAYERS RADIO!!! www.fowlplayersradio.comYouTube Link: welcome actor/musician Brian St August to the show! My trusty sidekick and official horror movie correspondent Alfred Guy and I spoke with Brian; we have all appeared in Lee Doll Films- Alfred and Brian appeared together in The Fixer series. Brian just released a CD of material he has written over the years called Retrospective- available on Neat Face records. In other news- yours truly will be starting a new show on starting on August 29, 2023 and will continue every Tuesday afternoon at 4pm Eastern Time. The show will be called "The Back Of The Rack- The Michael Spedden Show" featuring deep album cuts, new and old local material, songs you forgot you liked and classics that never die! Brian St. August on imdb: Doll Films: Face Records: can order RETROSPECTIVE