Matt & Brett Love Comics!

Why Aren't There Sitcoms In Comic-Book Form?



Matt and Brett get together this week to discuss [Brett’s recent “Andy Rooney moment”][facejam], comedy in comics, the many different types of comedy that could be in comics, and various other comedy-driven talking points. Point is, it gets intense. Then they switch gears to respond to a few listeners who sent in their problems with “The Dark Knight Rises,” in a new segment dubbed The Letters Column! (Want to suggest a better title than “The Letters Column”? Tweet it to @brettwhite and you could win a prize!) Next week on the show, Matt and Brett will be reading a comedy comic: Michael Kupperman’s Tales Designed To Thrizzle #1! You can get the first issue on Comixology, or buy the whole first volume on Amazon. Music: “Where Everybody Knows Your Name” by Gary Portnoy "Why Aren't There Sitcoms In Comic-Book Form?" originally appeared at