Fear No Art Chicago Audio

Chief Curator of the Museum of Contermpoary Art, Michael Darling, on Fear No ART



Chief Curator of the Museum of Contermporary Art, Michael Darling, takes host of Fear No ART, Elysabeth Alfano, on a private tour at the MCA. Michael speaks candidly and refreshingly personably about how important art is in contemporary society. While they walk the corridors of the museum, Mr. Darling talks about the artist struggle, the importance of the museum creating a safe space to ask questions, and about the clear, concise and non-convoluted ways we can all relate to art. We also get a one-on-one discussion/explanation of some of the museums most famous pieces by Andy Warhol and Robert Rauschenberg, plus a few art collecting tips for the novice and the connoisseur alike. Enjoy this warm and accessible art discussion and one-on-one private tour.