The Thought Leader Revolution Podcast | 10x Your Impact, Your Income & Your Influence

EP490: Eric & Deven Wohlwend - How To Become Financially Free By 16



“Small inconsequential things done on a regular basis bring incredible intake results. - Robin Sharma”We are joined by an extraordinary guest, Deven, who began his real estate investing journey at just seven years old, and his father, Eric. They share their family's inspiring story, starting with Eric's transition from job losses to real estate success. Deven's early entrepreneurial ventures and passion for investing, coupled with valuable lessons learned from mistakes, led him to buy his first property at the age of seven. With ongoing support and creative financing strategies, Deven expanded his real estate portfolio. Now 16, he continues to thrive in the real estate world, proving that age is no barrier to achievement.This story emphasizes the importance of a growth mindset, self-education, mentorship, and fostering a passion for lifelong learning. Join us for this empowering episode as we learn from Deven's incredible journey and find inspiration to pursue our own dreams.Check out Eric’s book “Family Succ