So Very Wrong About Games

#272: Archeos Society



Perhaps the greatest lingering question is how and why the Ethnos fantasy races were translated into academic professions for Archeos Society's re-theme. Apparently dwarves (Ethnos) are analogous to photographers (Archeos Society), and orcs (orc board!) are akin to curators. Odd. Halflings into students seems appropriately condescending. As much as the comparison stings, though, I can't teally object into making trolls professors. I've met some that truly fit the description.Games Played Last Week:03:07 -Race to the Raft (Frank West, The City of Games, 2023)08:08 -Dorfromantik: The Board Game (Michael Palm and Lukas Zach, Pegasus Spiele, 2022)14:30 -Too Many Bones: Dart (Adam Carlson & Josh J. Carlson, Chip Theory Games, 2020)18:10 -Lords of Ragnarok (Adam Kwapiński, Awaken Realms, 2023)26:58 -Blood Rage: Promos Box (Eric M. Lang, CMON, 2019)29:23 -Project: ELITE (Konstantinos Kokkinis, Marco Portugal, & Sotirios Tsantilas, CMON, 2020)32:22 -One Deck Galaxy (Chris Cieslik, Asmadi Games, 20